Saturday, 25 October 2014

It's Been Far Too Long

I'll just go about my usual form: Personal, business and anything else at the end.

College is a blast. I've been learning so many new things and all of my professors are awesome. My courses are Intro. to Computer Programming, Computer Essentials, Networking "Basics," Achieving Success in Changing Environments, Intro. to Database Systems, and Math Fundamentals. These are the courses for my first semester in Computer Programmer and they're quite nice. One thing I don't like though is that everyone is started at the same level. In other words, professors are teaching upon the assumption that no one has any background in programming. Is isn't too bad but it's been taking quite awhile for things to actually pick-up. It's at a bit of a smooth level now but it'd be nice to have a little bit of a challenge, except Networking Basics, that's proving to be an in-depth challenge to myself.

Aside from college I've fiddling around with other things here and there. I enjoy watching YouTube and I've been considering making videos again, although I'm reluctant because there's quick a lot of effort required to do a good job and you don't always get much out of making one except a few good laughs with friends. I'm also trying to sell my old computer (link below if you're interested) to see if anyone actually wants to buy it, and if they happen to want to I've already laid out my next build if it's sold. I'm also interested in making my own video game but what I have in mind is quite a big picture that it seems overwhelming. I've got the basis of it laid out but if I want to progress with it I'm just going to have to be persistent.

On a bit of a business note, I've scaled back Exiguous Productions by a small amount (for the hosting side). It's nothing much, I've simply gone back to one dedicated server instead of two. I made the mistake of trying to have the most biggest and best service possible instead of sticking to what works. At first I had one dedicated server but with a 1Gbps port speed, plenty of BW and what not then I added a second dedicated server on to it a month later. From there I lowered down some of the specs on now I think I've finally found the right balance. I plan on keeping things small until I actually NEED to expand. Also, for those of you who don't know I've revamped my hosting's website so it looks a lot more nicer (link below). It took awhile to get everything the way I wanted it to be but in the end I think it was worth it.

Finding good games can be tough to do, I'd rather just make them but that takes time. I feel that the market for good games has really fallen. Sure there's still many awesome games being made as of now but not many good ones have been surfacing. They've either been sub-par or are planned to come out years from now. I suppose I'll just have to stick with what I have now and make the best of it, but I hope something catches my eye in the future.

Computer Sale:
Website Redesign:

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